At Stony Brook Catholic Campus Ministry, students are provided with opportunities to learn about and grow in their Catholic faith. Consider joining us for one or more of the following events.
Small Group Bible Studies are offered on a weekly basis by our FOCUS Missionaries. Missionaries meet with a group of students to pray with Scripture and discuss how God is speaking to them through His Word. Interested in taking part in a small group Bible study on campus? Contact one of our FOCUS Missionaries.
Each year, FOCUS (the Fellowship of Catholic University Students) offers a national conference for college students from around the world. Students gather with thousands of others to dive deeper into their Catholic faith. They have the opportunity to hear from a variety of priests, religious, and speakers, as well as enjoy time in fellowship with one another. SEEK conferences invite students to ask themselves who they are and where they are being called to go by God. Talk to our FOCUS missionaries for more information.
Overnight retreats, and days of recollection, are offered throughout the year to provide students with an opportunity to step away from the busyness of the semester. They allow students the chance to enter into a time of personal prayer with God and grow in their Catholic faith with other students.
For students who are seeking to enter the Catholic Church, or students who are looking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, RCIA classes are available on campus. Students meet once per week to learn about the teachings of the Catholic faith and to deepen their prayer life. If you are interested in joining our RCIA class, please contact us.
Come spend time with fellow Catholics on campus learning about the faith, growing closer to Christ through prayer, and enjoying time together in friendship. Meetings are held on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 2:00 PM in SAC 306. You can follow the Newman Catholic Club on Instagram at @SBUNewman.